Sunday, March 3, 2019

Even If This Is
True About Jared Kushner...

None of this:

any difference at all.

What is relevant here is that much of the information that the media has already conveyed about Jared Kushner is fully in conformity with what Islamic eschatology refers to as the “dajjal”, and what Christian eschatology refers to as the “Anti-Christ”...

Except for one thing:

There is no way in HELL that the ‘peace plan’ presently being concocted by Jared Kushner and his minions will last 3½ years.

Whatever that ‘peace plan’ consists of, I am thinking more in the neighborhood of 3½ DAYS.

Michael Joseph Cecil (Chapter 12, verse 1 of the Book of Daniel, Sura 2, verses 97-98 & 285 of the Quran, Column XVII of the Scroll of the War of the Sons of Light & Chapter 3, verse 12 of the Revelation of John) for:

Sarah-->Elijah-->Daniel-->John the Baptist-->Mohammed-->Elizabeth Anne Cecil (Chapter 12, verse 13 of the Book of Daniel and Chapter 11, verse 14 & Chapter 17, verses 10-13 of the Gospel of Matthew(1987) (7th Church) and:

Hagar-->the apostle Mary-->Danielle (1982-1987) (6th Church)

Isaac-->the apostle John-->Robin (1986) (4th Church)

Ishmael-->the apostle Peter-->Cindy (1992) (5th Church)

Jacob-->the apostle Thomas-->Linda (1987- (2nd Church)

Esau-->the apostle, Judas-->Susan (1970) (1st Church)

Isaiah’s wife-->the apostle James-->Kimberly (2000-  (3rd 

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