Friday, March 22, 2019

Michael to the “Anti-Christ”/“Dajjal”
Jared Kushner

We don’t need your wretched ‘Peace Plan’ from hell.

Even less do we need your plans for war with Iran.

(Maybe Netanyahu needs a war with Iran.

Maybe Trump needs a war with Iran.

Maybe Mohammed bin Salman needs a war with Iran.

But neither Israelis, nor Iranians, nor Palestinians, nor Saudis, nor Americans...

Nor anyone else needs a war with Iran.)

We already have the Moral Law that was Revealed on Mt. Sinai.

All that is required is that people abide by that Law.

We already have the Knowledge Revealed through the “Tree of Life”/the Vision of the “Son of man”/the “Night Journey”/the “Night of Qadr”/the “Sidrah Tree” and the Revelation of “the resurrection”.

All that is required is that people be informed of that Knowledge...

In accordance with “My people perish for lack of Knowledge.”

(This is an explanation rather than interpretation of “Righteousness shall rejoice on high, and all the children of His Truth shall jubilate in Eternal Knowledge” from Column XVII of the Scroll of the War of the Sons of Light.)

A Knowledge that the “dragon” media censors, the “beast” politicians ignore, and the “false prophet” Jewish, Christian and Muslim religious officials (Revelations 16:13) ignore, censor, deny, contradict and pervert with their ‘god of the dead’, Pharisaical, “synagogue of Satan”, Talmudic metaphysical theologies.

Thus, we suggest that you withdraw your wretched ‘Peace Plan’ from hell and your plans for war with Iran...

Before you embarrass yourself.

Michael Joseph Cecil (Chapter 12, verse 1 of the Book of Daniel, Sura 2, verses 97-98 & 285 of the Quran, Column XVII of the Scroll of the War of the Sons of Light & Chapter 3, verse 12 of the Revelation of John) and:

Sarah-->Elijah-->Daniel-->John the Baptist-->Mohammed-->Elizabeth Anne Cecil (Chapter 12, verse 13 of the Book of Daniel and Chapter 11, verse 14 & Chapter 17, verses 10-13 of the Gospel of Matthew(1987) (7th Church) for:

Hagar-->the apostle Mary-->Danielle (1982-1987) (6th Church)

Isaac-->the apostle John-->Robin (1986) (4th Church)

Ishmael-->the apostle Peter-->Cindy (1992) (5th Church)

Jacob-->the apostle Thomas-->Linda (1987- (2nd Church)

Esau-->the apostle, Judas-->Susan (1970) (1st Church)

Isaiah’s wife-->the apostle James-->Kimberly (2000-  (3rd 

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