Friday, March 29, 2019

After careful consideration, I have concluded that you are agents of either the Vatican, Chabad-Lubavitch, the Mossad AND/or the CIA-Deep State-mainstream media in the United States.

So, let me explain something to you.

On the day of your death, your religious and/or political affiliations will NOT be able to help you.

Neither will they be able to help you on the Day of Judgement.

(Read the Quran.)

You have the same information--even more--than the information that I have sent to the media officials, the politicians and the religious officials over the past several years.

And, like them, you have done NOTHING to inform other people who I have not been able to inform.

With regards to which, ONE thing is CERTAIN:

You WILL be Punished for these EVILS.

Even if that Punishment has to occur in your FUTURE lives.


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