Saturday, February 2, 2019

To Alex Jones*

Received an e-mail from you maybe 15 years ago.

NO. is NOT interested in the theological origin of Islamic terrorism.

Thats why I contacted YOU...

You DUMB son of a BITCH.

But you are UNINTERESTED in the information WAR of Revealed Truth against the ‘god of the dead’ metaphysical doctrines (LIES) of the monotheistic TERRORIST religions.

You poor bastard.


*The reply that I received from Alex Jones was the only reply I received.

This after sending literally hundreds of e-mails to The Drudge Report,, and over a period of probably 10 years, beginning in August, 1994 (and sent from 4 or 5 different e-mail addresses from local and national Internet service providers); and also contacting dozens of other ‘alternative news’ websites since that time; not one of whom had (or has) any interest at all in the theological origin of Islamic terrorism...


I also had a brief e-mail conversation with Eric Garris (?) of, who accused me of being “with the terrorists” (as asserted by President Bush) because I understood that the ‘war [of terror] against terrorism’ would NEVER succeed in defeating Islamic terrorism (its origin being THEOLOGICAL)...

Much less, Zionist and Christo-Zionist terrorism.

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