Friday, February 1, 2019

Special and General Theories of the “Quantum” Consciousness and the “Observing Consciousness”
1) There is the observation that the dualistic movement of self-reflection creates time, space, particle (or ‘self’), the metaphysical duality and the ‘classical’ consciousness itself; that is, the normal human consciousness with the form or the ‘image’ of the spatial, and which maintains its continuity over time through the postulation of the thought of the ‘I’, the ‘thinker’, the ‘mind’, the ‘self’, etc. etc. originating in fear and desire.
2) There is the observation that, in the absence of fear and desire, there is no temporal continuity to the ‘classical’ consciousness or ‘self’ at all; rather, that ‘classical’ consciousness or ‘self’ exists only at the moment of self-reflection itself, and collapses at the instant of any experience other than self-reflection. In other words, what is assumed to be a ‘classical’ consciousness is, in fact, a “quantum” consciousness which emerges and then re-emerges into existence after having been instantaneously annihilated in the absence of self-reflection.
3) There is the observation that both the emergence into existence and the annihilation of the ‘classical’—in fact, the “quantum”—consciousness cannot be observed by the ‘classical’ consciousness itself; but can only be observed from the frame of reference of a non-temporal/non-spatial “observing consciousness” of the Eastern esoteric traditions; that is, the consciousness with which man was Created “by and in the image of” God.
(These observations can be described as the basis of the Special Theory of the “Quantum” Consciousness and the “Observing Consciousness”.)
4) The mere existence of the “observing consciousness”, together with the observation that the ‘classical’ consciousness is, in fact, a “quantum” consciousness, are insufficient to explain for the fact that, in many instances, information accessible to the “observing consciousness” is reflexively, determinedly and inescapably spatialized in an attempt to preserve both the spatial illusion of the ‘classical’ consciousness as well as the illusion of the temporal continuity of that illusion of spatiality.
5) And, similarly, while the observation that the ‘classical’ consciousness is, in fact, a “quantum” consciousness eliminates the illusion of the temporal continuity of the ‘I’, the ‘self’, or the ‘thinker’ of the ‘classical’ consciousness, there is, nevertheless, a deeper continuity between memories of previous lives (conveyed by means of the “observing consciousness”) than the illusion of the temporal continuity of the ‘classical’ ‘self’.
6) Thus, just as the observation of the ‘classical’ consciousness as, in fact, a “quantum” consciousness implies and requires the existence of an “observing consciousness”; so, too, both the explanation for the accessibility of information from the “observing consciousness”, as well as the perceived temporal continuity of experiences and relationships between people from life to life originates in an Infinitely Structured Reality (out of which the “observing consciousness” emerges by means of Creation) which may be referred to as the Will of the Creator; in the context of which not merely the ‘self’ or the ‘I’, but, also, the ‘free will’ of that ‘self’ or ‘I’ are perceived as illusions (thoughts) originating in the desire for pleasure and the fear of death. (The Infinitely Structured Reality is the source of the “teleological suspension of the ethical”--see S. Kierkegaard’s Fear and Trembling and the Sickness Unto Death; and is also echoed in 4Q416 & 18 of the Dead Sea Scrolls; see, especially, Fragment 4, entitled The Foundations of the Universe Shout Out Judgement; a secular, minimalist and remote ‘approximation’ of which is described in Jung’s Synchronicity--An Acausal Connecting Principle.)
(These observations can be described as the basis of the General Theory of the “Quantum” Consciousness and the “Observing Consciousness”)

(written for Elizabeth, Danielle, Cindy, Robin, Susan, Linda and Kim)