Wednesday, April 3, 2019

T Minus......Whatever:
Make NO Mistake
About Kushners ‘Peace Plan’

Even if the officials of the “dragon” media were NOT doing everything in their power to bring about World War III...

Even if the “beast” politicians were NOT doing everything in their power to bring about World War III...

Even if the “false prophet” monotheistic religious officials were NOT doing everything in their power to bring about World War III...

All in direct and specific fulfillment of the Prophecy in Chapter 16, verse 13 of the Revelation of John...

The consequence of Jared Kushners ‘Peace Plan’ would STILL be World War III.


Because this purported ‘Peace Plan’ is being proposed in flagrant, contemptuous, and vicious disregard of my efforts over the past 43 years to at least diminish the bloodshed and horrors of the coming “time of trouble” Prophesied by Daniel...

Because this purported ‘Peace Plan’ is being proposed in flagrant, contemptuous, and vicious disregard of the more than 3560 writings on this website...

Because this purported ‘Peace Plan’ is being proposed in flagrant, contemptuous, and vicious disregard of the tens of  thousands of messages I have sent on Twitter to these media officials, religious officials and politicians only for the purpose of diminishing these horrors.

And, for a civilization that is so utterly, completely and relentlessly CONTEMPTUOUS of both the Moral Law and Revealed Truth; there is, quite simply, NO other recourse than the fulfillment of the Visions and the Prophecies I have received of the coming “time of trouble” over the past 44 years.

Michael Joseph Cecil (Chapter 12, verse 1 of the Book of Daniel, Sura 2, verses 97-98 & 285 of the Quran, Column XVII of the Scroll of the War of the Sons of Light & Chapter 3, verse 12 of the Revelation of John) for:

Sarah-->Elijah-->Daniel-->John the Baptist-->Mohammed-->Elizabeth Anne Cecil (Chapter 12, verse 13 of the Book of Daniel and Chapter 11, verse 14 & Chapter 17, verses 10-13 of the Gospel of Matthew(1987) (7th Church) and:

Hagar-->the apostle Mary-->Danielle (1982-1987) (6th Church)

Isaac-->the apostle John-->Robin (1986) (4th Church)

Ishmael-->the apostle Peter-->Cindy (1992) (5th Church)

Jacob-->the apostle Thomas-->Linda (1987- (2nd Church)

Esau-->the apostle, Judas-->Susan (1970) (1st Church)

Isaiah’s wife-->the apostle James-->Kimberly (2000-  (3rd 

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