Saturday, April 6, 2019

“Deal of the Century” ‘Peace Plan’:
A Foreign Policy Equivalent
of the Mueller Report?

Just when I was beginning to think quite seriously that the government of the United States could not possibly look STUPIDER, or more RIDICULOUS, or more DEMENTED to an international audience, the Jerusalem Post—you know, the same media outlet that has been censoring the Revelations and the Visions and Prophecies I have received of the coming “time of trouble” since January, 1980—now releases what it claims is Jared Kushners “deal of the century” ‘Peace Plan’ (But, surely, this cannot possibly be the truth; can it?):

something which, to all appearances, seems to be merely a foreign policy equivalent of the Mueller Report; with not even so much as one scintilla of evidence that ANY of these measures will lead to a genuine Peace between Israelis and Palestinians.

Is this the monstrosity that Kushner has been working on for the past few years?

Is this the ‘Peace Plan’ that the politicians of the Middle East have agreed not to publicize...?

The ‘Peace Plan’ that they have tried desperately to keep secret?


So, until there is some OFFICIAL announcement of this ‘Peace Plan’, I simply refuse to believe that the foreign policy of the United States with regards to the Middle East has been turned over to a 38 years old SNOT nose who does not possess even so much as ONE point of contact with the political realities of the Middle East.

Michael Joseph Cecil (Chapter 12, verse 1 of the Book of Daniel, Sura 2, verses 97-98 & 285 of the Quran, Column XVII of the Scroll of the War of the Sons of Light & Chapter 3, verse 12 of the Revelation of John) and:

Sarah-->Elijah-->Daniel-->John the Baptist-->Mohammed-->Elizabeth Anne Cecil (Chapter 12, verse 13 of the Book of Daniel and Chapter 11, verse 14 & Chapter 17, verses 10-13 of the Gospel of Matthew(1987) (7th Church) for:

Hagar-->the apostle Mary-->Danielle (1982-1987) (6th Church)

Isaac-->the apostle John-->Robin (1986) (4th Church)

Ishmael-->the apostle Peter-->Cindy (1992) (5th Church)

Jacob-->the apostle Thomas-->Linda (1987- (2nd Church)

Esau-->the apostle, Judas-->Susan (1970) (1st Church)

Isaiah’s wife-->the apostle James-->Kimberly (2000-  (3rd 

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