Tuesday, June 25, 2019

WARNING: You Don’t Know the Parameters

Increasing numbers of people are finally becoming aware that it is the determined intention of the “king of the South” United States and its allies (for example, Israel and Great Britain)—their ludicrous and  witless denials to the contrary—to initiate World War III by a military attack upon the “king of the North” Iran and its allies (for example, Russia and Syria); who, perhaps, will be ‘assisted’ by (the “kings of the East”) North Korea and/or China.

But my understanding is that this intention can be thwarted:

Fire-fighters often start a back fire for the purpose of preventing a greater conflagration.

Thus, depending upon the very, very, very narrow and specific parameters within which it is initiated, the coming war with Iran may very well be a back fire whose initiation may very well prevent the complete annihilation of human civilization.

But there is a problem:

Neither the “dragon” media, the “beast” political system, nor the “false prophet” monotheistic religious establishment has knowledge of those parameters.

To repeat: You Don’t Know those Parameters.

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