Sunday, December 1, 2013

Revelations, Seals & Consciousness:
The Fourth Seal

Whereas the Second and the Third Seals of the Revelation of John symbolize the emergence and characteristics of the dualistic, ‘fallen’ consciousness of the “self” and the ‘thinker’ in their unrelenting and vicious opposition to both the non-dualistic consciousness Created by God and the Knowledge Revealed through that consciousness (as represented by the opening of the First Seal); the opening of the Fourth Seal symbolizes the manifestation of the characteristics of that ‘fallen’, dualistic consciousness in the space-time reality; that is, the effects of duality, conflict, violence and warfare (originating in the images of the ‘fallen’ consciousness of the “self”, and the thoughts of the ‘fallen’ consciousness of the ‘thinker’) upon human civilization; for example, the effects of ambition, sexual lust, the lust for power, greed, cynicism, paranoia, and self-righteousness vindictiveness.


Revelations, Seals & Consciousness:
The Fifth Seal

The opening of the Fifth Seal of the Revelation of John symbolizes the sorrow and suffering experienced in relation to people, and to events in the space-time reality; chiefly as a consequence of the conflict and violence that is unleashed upon the world with the opening of the Fourth Seal; in particular, the sorrow and suffering experienced by the Sons of Light as a result of the First Phase retaliation of the Sons of Darkness against the Moral Law; the sorrow and suffering experienced by the Sons of Light as a result of the Second Phase retaliation of the Sons of Darkness against the Revelation of “the resurrection” as a Doctrine of ‘Rebirth’; and the sorrow and suffering experienced by the Sons of Light as a result of the Third Phase retaliation of the Sons of Darkness against the Knowledge Revealed through the Vision of the “Son of man”; a sorrow and a suffering which, however, is merely a precursor to the experience of the utter annihilation of the ‘fallen’ consciousness itself, as is symbolized by the opening of the Sixth Seal.

Revelations, Seals & Consciousness:
The Sixth Seal

The opening of the Sixth Seal of the Revelation of John symbolizes what the Jewish mystics refer to as the “shattering of the vessels”; that is, the instantaneous and traumatic annihilation of its extension in time (of the consciousness of the ‘thinker’) and the very ‘spatiality’ of the consciousness of the “self”; which is a necessary precursor to the receiving of both the Vision of the “Son of man” and the Revelation of “the resurrection”.
