Monday, November 30, 2020


Revelations, Seals & Consciousness:

The Fifth Seal

The opening of the Fifth Seal of the Revelation of John symbolizes the sorrow and suffering experienced in relation to people, and to events in the space-time reality; chiefly as a consequence of the conflict and violence that is unleashed upon the world with the opening of the Fourth Seal; in particular, the sorrow and suffering experienced by the Sons of Light as a result of the First Phase retaliation of the Sons of Darkness against the Moral Law; the sorrow and suffering experienced by the Sons of Light as a result of the Second Phase retaliation of the Sons of Darkness against the Revelation of “the resurrection” as a Doctrine of ‘Rebirth’; and the sorrow and suffering experienced by the Sons of Light as a result of the Third Phase retaliation of the Sons of Darkness against the Knowledge Revealed through the Vision of the “Son of man”; a sorrow and a suffering which, however, is merely a precursor to the experience of the utter annihilation of the ‘fallen’ consciousness itself, as is symbolized by the opening of the Sixth Seal.

