Friday, December 4, 2020

 The Truth Revealed at the Time of the End

Daniel Prophesied that the Truth would not be known until the "time of the End" (Daniel 12:9-10); in other words, that the monotheistic religious officials are WRONG in the doctrines they teach. And that Truth includes that "the resurrection" is a Doctrine of 'Rebirth', based upon the Revelation of the memories of previous lives. It's not my fault if you don't understand that. Nor do I have the responsibility to convince you, but merely to inform. Take it or leave it. Makes no difference to me one way or the other.

"The Way" refers to the Knowledge Revealed through the Revelation of "the resurrection" (including the Revelation of the memories of previous lives, the Revelation of the Memory of Creation, and the Revelation of the Memory of 'the Fall'); "the Truth" refers to the Revelation of the Law at Mt. Sinai; "the Life" refers to the Knowledge Revealed through the "Tree of Life" (Genesis 3:24), which is another term for the Vision of the "Son of man"; also referred to as the "Sidrah Tree" and the "Night Journey" in the Quran; and also referred to as the "Vision of Arjuna" in the Bhagavad-Gita. (More words that have remained "secret and sealed".)

Michael Joseph Cecil  -  (Chapter 12, verse 1 of the Book of Daniel, Sura 2, verses 97-98 & 285 of the Quran, Column XVII of the Scroll of the War of the Sons of Light & Chapter 3, verse 12 of the Revelation of John

 The Coming Black Swan Event

Monday, November 30, 2020


Revelations, Seals & Consciousness:

The Fifth Seal

The opening of the Fifth Seal of the Revelation of John symbolizes the sorrow and suffering experienced in relation to people, and to events in the space-time reality; chiefly as a consequence of the conflict and violence that is unleashed upon the world with the opening of the Fourth Seal; in particular, the sorrow and suffering experienced by the Sons of Light as a result of the First Phase retaliation of the Sons of Darkness against the Moral Law; the sorrow and suffering experienced by the Sons of Light as a result of the Second Phase retaliation of the Sons of Darkness against the Revelation of “the resurrection” as a Doctrine of ‘Rebirth’; and the sorrow and suffering experienced by the Sons of Light as a result of the Third Phase retaliation of the Sons of Darkness against the Knowledge Revealed through the Vision of the “Son of man”; a sorrow and a suffering which, however, is merely a precursor to the experience of the utter annihilation of the ‘fallen’ consciousness itself, as is symbolized by the opening of the Sixth Seal.

