Thursday, February 6, 2014

Faxes to Vatican Radio*
and the Chief Rabbinate**

A Spanish (by Google) translation of the following note—“We're Calling For An Easter Cease Fire—was faxed successfully several hours ago to Vatican Radio at: 39 06 6988 3237

An attempt was made to fax a Hebrew (by Google) translation of that writing to the fax number advertised on the website of the Chief Rabbinate in Jerusalem:;

but it was unsuccessful.

Since I could not find a fax number for Al-Azhar University in Cairo, I sent a link to that writing to the e-mail address of Al-Azhar University under the title of Achieving Peace in the Middle East After the Death of the 'Peace Process'”.


*Previously published on April 17, 2014

** An attempt was made to fax this message to the Chief Rabbi in London. It was unsuccessful. So, it would seem that the rabbis do not even tell the Truth about their fax numbers.